Recommendation on children in poverty (11/06/2013)

In 2013, 9,7 % of the children in Flanders are born in poverty. The Vlor explored the impact of this situation in primary education, and asks the government to invest fully in the fight against child poverty.

Schools can make the difference. The council proposes a set of measures to fight child poverty thanks to the learning and living climate at school. Teachers need to be trained to observe and interpret poverty. The government should provide schools and pupils guidance services (clb) with sufficient means to hire staff who can bridge the world of the child and of the school.

The Vlor asks for an increase of the school allowance for the poorest. The Vlor proposes to lower the school bill by linking the price of extra provisions (before and after school hours, at noon) to the income of the parents. The Vlor asks the government to provide schools with guidelines on how to deal with unpaid bills.

On the other hand, school can not solve the problems alone: society has to take up its responsibility, and more cooperation is needed between education and welfare.