Recommendation on a plan for the future of primary education (03/08/2017)

The Vlor has been asking for a future-oriented vision for primary education. The Minister recently responded to that question with the announcement of a strategic plan for a strong primary education by 2025. With this recommendation, the Vlor formulates input for the plan. In order to respond to the challenges, a future-oriented action plan must contain measures that fully focus on maximum development opportunities for each child, further strengthen professional school teams and support strong school leadership. The financial strengthening of primary education is a necessary condition.

The Vlor emphasizes that future policy must certainly maintain a number of current strengths of primary education that are currently under pression: the wide differentiation opportunities, class or group teachers, the final goals formulated only for the end of primary education, the possibility for children to go to primary school near their home, specialized settings within a continuum of care.

At the same time, new measures are needed.

Teachers need more time for consultation and for permanent professional growth. Levers for this purpose are less child-bound hours and an expansion of the pedagogical study days to work with the entire team on the school's vision and joint priorities. The Vlor sees a lot of opportunities in a specific master's program for primary education and calls for accelerated work of research into the opportunity and the added value.

The Vlor also proposes to strengthen the policy-making capacity of schools, with additional supportive management, a director without a teaching assignment at each elementary school and the necessary resources for management training.

Other concerns in the recommendation are related to societal challenges in relation to primary education, new ways of certification, and more supportive measures for an inclusive primary education.