
Empowering Higher Education in Adopting Digital Learning


The European POWERHEAD (Empowering Higher Education in Adopting Digital Learning) project therefore aims to answer the following questions, and to formulate guidelines and recommendations:

Given today's context, what do higher education institutions need from national authorities to develop a digitalisation policy? And how can institutions further shape their digitalisation policy?

The project started in December 2020 and runs for two years. After gathering current insights (definitions, opportunities, challenges, and preconditions) on digital learning and teaching in higher education, this projects builds upon an analysis of the needs of diverse actors in the partner countries, concerning sustainable digitalisationin higher education. The common needs analysis will be further enriched by input of diverse other European countries that are geographically well spread in Europe and implemented digital learning in a different way. This way, collective needs at the European level will be identified.

Eventually, this project aims at developing guidelines for partner (and other) countries for a national policy on digital learning in higher education at two levels:

  • guidelines for a national policy strategy on digital learning in higher education
  • guidelines including recommendations for higher education institutions.